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PIR/FDTC is a Designated 2021-22 Family Treatment Court (FTC) Peer Learning Court (PLC)

With support from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), The Center for Children and Family Futures (CCFF) launched the PLC Program in 2012. FDTC: PIR joins the fourth cohort of National PLCs to work among peer model courts - highlighting best in the field, sharing knowledge and innovative practice through peer-to-peer learning and technical assistance. We are excited to be named as one of eight Family Treatment Courts across the nation to serve in the fourth cohort as a mentor court in the Peer Learning Court Program, announced this month! We will be able to to show how a comprehensive, family-centered approach — grounded in effective cross-systems collaboration and Family Treatment Court best practices — improves family outcomes. Congratulations to our entire team and the families we serve who help us continue to strive to be the best program we can possibly be.

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